
Matrika Yadav will raise a people 's army?

In a recent interview, printed on March 1st, 2009, Matrika Yadav, leader of a new organisation in Nepal that places as Maoist, sayed that he will raise a new people 's army. Matrika Yadav recently left the Unified Communist Party of Nepal ( Maoist ) took by Prachanda. According to Matrika Yadav, Prachanda 's Party is capitulating to the category enemy and is dissolving the People 's Release Army ( PLA ). Last month, he antecedently charged that Prachanda 's Party holded abandoned its radical character and holds been entrapped in the maelstrom of the parliamentary parties and patterns. '' In the most recent interview Matrika Yadav repeated earlier charges that Prachanda 's Party is mired in revisionism and compradorism. According to Matrika Yadav, People nationwide are now telling they hold n’t chance any difference between the past authoritieses and the one now. Sufferers hold not yet haved national acknowledgement. Dalits, assorted endemic groupings, women and poor, who supported our armed battle, are now completely foiled. They state that the Maoist are no longer revolutionists. The charge is that the Maoist are already on their mode to going revisionists. The people hold lost hope on Prachandaji. ‘’

As Nepal 's Land Reform and Direction Parson, Matrika Yadav took a motion to administer land to the wretched in 2008. For this, he came under attack from Prachanda. In the recent interview, Matrika Yadav kept to oppugn Prachanda 's committedness to land reform, `` We wo n’t permit poor return clutched belongings to those corrupt feudalists. We will struggle for full right of the Madhesi people. We will quest the Peoples ’ Freeing Army ( PLA ) scrappers not to be ready for disintegration. Prachandaji is seeking to extinguish the individuality of the PLA, who contended for people 's full freeing. None of the communistic parties including Prachandaji 's hold been able to render justness to the households of those disappeared someones. They only state prevarications but we will walk the talking. The incorporate Maoist party is no more a existent communistic party. Prachandaji holds welcomed those people in the party who ever knocked the decade-long armed battle. He ( Prime Parson Dahal ) holds close confederation with those far-right forces. I hold enquire him to read his ain articles about revolution and people 's freeing indited in the yesteryear. ‘’

According to Matrika Yadav, many in Prachanda 's Party and Prachanda 's PLA will finally join his new organisation. They desire entire release of the Nepali people. I hold heard they are highly bilked now. They are telling their forfeiture holds get into vain. But I wo n't allow their endeavor travel downward the drainages. I will inquire them to join the existent Maoist party and proceed revolution for peoples ' powerfulness. '' Cells of other parties hold already joined, Tamsaling Rastriya Mukti Morcha and Kirant Janabadi Workers ’ Party hold already joined ME ‘’ According to the interview, Matrika Yadav, despite differences, will prosecute in dialog with Mani Thapa who divided from Prachanda 's Party before around the clip of the disarmament of the PLA. Mani Thapa left under the streamer of a new Great proletarian cultural revolution '' and continuance of people 's warfare. Mani Thapa now heads a party naming itself the Communist Party of Nepal ( Maoist ) ‘’, Prachanda 's Party 's old name, according to the interview.

We hold no style to judge the overall line of these newborn forces. Nevertheless, their criticisms of Prachanda repeat some of our ain. In the interview, Matrika Yadav correctly stresses the importance of ideology for revolution: They must understand that ideology can ne'er be killed. '' The query that we enquire is: are these new formations, one directed by Matrika Yadav and the other directed by Mani Thapa, echt Communist forces or not? Make they verily stand for radical science or not? All echt Communist in the macrocosm today are Maoist-Third Worldists. There is no such thing equally justly Maoism, ‘’ even as there is no such thing as `` Marxism-Leninism. ‘’ The quaternary and last phase of radical science is Maoism-Third Worldism. Our advice to these newborn forces is that they must understand that the revolution in Nepal is component of a planetary people 's warfare by the worldwide countryside against the planetary metropolises, the One-third Cosmos against the First Universe. The First Universe as a whole is your enemy. If you neglect to understand this, you will land up like Prachanda, Afakean and the balance of the revisionist supposed RIM. ( 1 ) ( 2 ) ( 3 )


  1. We will organise our ain army: Matrika Yadav. MyRepublica.com. March 1, 2009 [url]HTTP://www.myrepublica.com/portal/index.php?[/url] action=news_details & news_id=2307

  2. Prachanda 's party criminated of revisionism in Nepal. MSH February 15, 200 [url]HTTP://monkeysmashesheaven.wordpress.com/2009/02/15/prachandas-party-accused-of-revisionism-in-nepal/[/url]

  3. Interesting developments in Nepal? MSH Transfiguration day, 2007 [url]HTTP://monkeysmashesheaven.wordpress.com/2007/08/06/interesting-developments-in-nepal/[/url]