

Maoist-proposed CMP fails to impress NC, UML

The common minimum programme (CMP) proposed by CPN (Maoist) has drawn cold response from the two other major parties - Nepali Congress and CPN (UML).

Although deliberations on the draft CMP, which was introduced by the Maoist leadership during yesterday’s 25-party meeting, are yet to come to a conclusion, senior leaders of NC and UML have suggested “drastic amendment” in the CMP.

Speaking at a programme in the capital Sunday, NC general secretary Bimalendra Nidhi said the proposed CMP has failed to incorporate progressive agendas. Insisting that the CMP only seeks to maintain status quo, Nidhi said that the CMP should be prepared by a taskforce comprising representatives from all 25 parties in the Constituent Assembly.

In the CMP, the Maoist party has proposed restructuring of the state in the spirit of the federalism, drafting of new condition within two years, immediate relief package to conflict-affected and poor people, integration of Maoist combatants and management of arms within three months as per the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA), restructuring of the bureaucracy to make it suitable for the federal system, special development programmes for Karnali region, employment to youths, price control, and normalisation of supply of fuel and other essentials - among others.

Meanwhile, UML general secretary Jhala Nath Khanal has said the proposed CMP is no different than the election manifesto of the Maoist party. He has also suggested the Maoists to come up with a revised draft of the CMP.
Speaking to reporters after a programme today, Khanal said the CMP should reflect the agendas of different parties that would be part of the next government.

He also reiterated that the UML was in favour of a unity government for which the CPN (Maoist), as the biggest party staking claim for government’s leadership, should take initiatives. nepalnews.com mk Aug 03 08



毛派提出的中医未能留下深刻的印象北卡罗来纳州夏洛特, UML的

共同的最低纲领(中医)所提出的尼泊尔共产党(毛派)已制定反应冷淡,从其他两个主要政党-尼泊尔大会和尼泊尔共产党(基于U ML) 。

虽然草案的审议中医,这是由毛派领导在昨日的25 -党的会议上,尚未得出结论,高层领导人的数控和UML的建议“大刀阔斧的修订: ”在中医。

在一个方案在首都星期日,数控秘书长比马伦德拉尼迪说,拟议的中医却没有把进步的议事日程。坚持认为,中医的目的只是维持现状, nidhi说,中医应编写了一个特别小组的代表组成的来自所有25个缔约方在制宪大会。

在中医,毛派党提出了转型的国家,在精神的联邦制,起草新的条件,两年内,即时的纾困措施,向受冲突影响和清贫的人,一体化的毛派战斗人员和武器管理的3个月内作为每全面和平协定(国泰航空) ,改组政府的官僚作风,使之适合于联邦制度,特别发展计划karnali地区,就业的青少年,价格管制,和正常化的燃料供应和其他必需品-等等。

与此同时, UML的秘书长jhala纳特khanal说,拟议的中医是没有什么不同的选举宣言,毛派党。他还建议毛派想出了一个修订草案中医。

后对记者发表谈话一项方案,今天, khanal说,中医应反映的议程不同的政党会的一部分,下届政府。

他还重申, UML的是赞成,一个团结政府,其中尼泊尔共产党(毛派) ,作为最大党的赌注索赔,政府的领导下,应采取主动行动。 nepalnews.com旺角aug 3月8日
