

中文摘要:洛克马伽德·卡特瓦尔 1948年生于加德满都。现为尼军总参谋长。先后做过军校的老师,多次担任联合国紧急部队的军官参加过多次维和行动,担任过尼泊尔同英国本土以及香港政府的军事联络官。又担任过尼泊尔王军陆军军官学校的校长。


  1. Gen Rookmangud Katawal was born in Okhaldhunga District, in the mountainous Eastern Region of Nepal, on 12 December 1948 to Mr. and Mrs. Khadgadhoj Katawal. He pursued his high school education in Kathmandu. Commissioned into Shree Shreenath Battalion (Infantry) of the then Royal Nepalese Army (RNA) on 20 December 1969 after graduating from the Indian National Defence Academy and the Indian Military Academy, he holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree from Tribhuwan University and a Masters Degree in National Defence from the Qaeda Azam University, Pakistan. Gen Katawal was the Distinguished International Honour Graduate of the US Special Forces Course and earned the coveted Gideon in the US Ranger Course. He is also a graduate of the Army Command and Staff College, Camberley, UK, the Senior Command Course, India and the National Defence College, Pakistan.
  2. Gen Katawal has held command and staff billets at virtually every level. In 1973, he served as an instructor at the Royal Nepalese Army School. In the same year, he donned the blue beret to serve in the United Nations Emergency Force (UNEF) in the Suez Canal area. Between 1976 and 1977, he commanded the Independent Company - Shree Kalidhoj (currently a battalion). Following several key staff appointments, he served as the Nepalese Government’s Liaison Officer to the Brigade of Gurkhas of the British Army and Government of Hong Kong between 1983 and 1986. In 1988, he was appointed the Chief Military Personnel Officer of the United Nations Interim Forces in Lebanon (UNIFIL). He took over command of Shree Pashupati Prashad Battalion in 1990. Following service in the Research and Development Wing at the Army HQ, he took post as the Commandant of the Royal Nepalese Military Academy in 1993.
  3. Promoted to Brigadier General in 1996, he holds the distinction of having commanded three consecutive Brigades, two Infantry and one Special Forces. In 1999, he was appointed as Director of Military Intelligence. Upon promotion to Major General in 2001, he took over as Adjutant General (AG) of the Nepalese Army. He was then appointed as the first co-coordinator of the National Security Council Secretariat on 29 December 2001. He has participated widely in national and international conferences and seminars at senior level, particularly in the security, peacekeeping and planning fields, such as the Multilateral Planner’s Conference in Romania and the International Symposium Course on Asian Pacific Security in China.
  4. He commanded the then Western Division on combat operations in the peak of the counterinsurgency effort between December 2003 and August 2004. He was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant General on 10 September 2004 and took over as Chief of General Staff. He is also ‘Colonel Commandant’ of his old battalion, Shree Pashupati Prashad. He was promoted to General and appointed as Chief of the Army Staff of the Nepalese Army on 10 September 2006.
  5. Athletically inclined and a keen sportsman, Gen Katawal is particularly fond of basketball, racquet games and golf. Widely travelled throughout the world, his hobbies include reading, hiking and riding. A keen social worker in his spare time, among his various projects, he is involved in the development of a high school (currently a campus) in his home village in Okhaldhunga District. Gen Katawal has also penned many lyrics in the Nepalese folk, patriotic and popular song disciplines.
  6. Gen Katawal is decorated with the Birendra Prajatantra Bhaskar, Second Class and has been awarded a host of other decorations and medals in some 40 years of distinguished service. Gen Katawal is married to Uma Katawal, a career graduate teacher who has taught at the Army Campus for the last 20 years. They are blessed with two children, Shubhangud and Nepolina Katawal.

[ 本帖最后由 列兵甲 于 2008-3-4 12:04 编辑 ]


[ 本帖最后由 列兵甲 于 2008-3-4 12:05 编辑 ]