
Maoists to return seized land

The CPN (Maoist) has pledged to return the land and houses seized by the party during the decade-long insurgency.
Talking to reporters after the three-day training programme for party workers in Lalitpur, Maoist chairman Prachanda said the party would start returning the seized land and houses immediately.
He said the party had started returning the seized properties as part of creating favourable environment for constituent assembly polls, and according to the 23-point agreement signed by the parties recently.
Prachanda’s clarification comes a day after Home Minister K.P Situala warned that the government would have to step forward in retrieving the Maoist-seized land and houses to the rightful owners.
Earlier, addressing the training programme, Prachanda instructed the party workers to wholeheartedly take part in the election campaign being launched by the party shortly.
Some 600 senior party workers including PLA deputy commanders and chiefs of state committees, bureaus and sister organisations had participated in the training programme. nepalnews.com mk Jan 22 08





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during the decade-long insurgency中的“ insurgency ”暴露了尼反动政府对尼共毛的定位,就是叛乱。这还是平等的谈判吗?就是“招安”!
