
最近,国际进步人士参观了印度共产党(毛主义)领导的解放区,拍摄了一部激动人心的纪录片:Blazing Trail,在国际进步舆论界引起了较大反响。革命博客word of the left为此刊登了一篇文章:Blazing Trail: Journey of the Indian Revolution,对印度革命的历史和现状作了全面的介绍。现把原文登出,供网友参阅。

Blazing Trail: Journey of the Indian Revolution

A Spectre is haunting India, the Spectre of Communism!

Report and updates on the developing revolutionary situation in India

The revolutionary situation in India today stands at a crucial juncture and
events in the next few years could very well decide it's success or failure.
India is country with a population close to 1.1 billion but what many don't know
is that it is also one of the two countries in the world to have an estimated
100-120 million workers in trade unions and as members of communist
organizations. (China being the other one)

They are extremely fragmented, divided and opposed to each other but nonetheless
have immense potential. With the rise of the CPI-(Maoist) there is now hope that
many of these organizations could consolidate.

Who are the Naxalites?

Naxalite or Naxalism is an informal name given to revolutionary communist groups
that were born out of the Sino-Soviet split in the Indian communist movement.
The term comes from Naxalbari, a small village in West Bengal, where a leftist
section of Communist Party of India (Marxist) (CPI(M)) led by Charu Majumdar and
Kanu Sanyal led a militant peasant uprising in 1967, trying to develop a
"revolutionary opposition" in order to establish "revolutionary rule" in India.

Father of the Indian revolution - Comrade Charu Mazumdar

Majumdar greatly admired Mao Zedong of China and advocated that Indian peasants
and lower classes must follow in his footsteps and overthrow the government and
upper classes whom he held responsible for their plight. In 1967 'Naxalites'
organized the All India Coordination Committee of Communist Revolutionaries
(AICCCR), and broke away from CPI(M). Uprisings were organized in several parts
of the country. In 1969 AICCCR gave birth to Communist Party of India
(Marxist-Leninist). After the internal revolt led by Satyanarayan Singh in 1971
and the death of Majumdar in 1972, the movement was fragmented into many
competing factions.

Since then in the last three decades the movements have witnessed splits,petty
ego clashes,recombinations and what has remained constant throughout is the
brutal state repression.

Today, there exists a large number of political organizations whose roots are in
the AICCCR/CPI(ML). Some maintain and develop Majumdar's concept of armed
revolution, whereas others have condemned the excesses of the sectarian epoch.
The organizations belonging to the latter category have established legal
overground structures (trade unions, student groups, etc.) and started
participating in elections.

People's War

The Maoists have spread and grown rapidly from

55 districts in 9 States in 2003 to
105 districts in 13 States in 2004 to
170 districts in 15 States in 2006.

India is divided into 28 states and seven union territories,
and has approximately 600 districts

The above map mainly shows the areas where the CPI(Maoist)
is waging People's War.

-They have around 10,000 armed cadres with 50,000 active supporters and
15 to 20,000 weapons of all makes including AK-47's and INSAS rifles.

-There are 1500 illegal arms manufacturing units in Bihar alone and an
indeterminate number in dense forests of other States.

-A recent study by Amnesty International and OXFAM estimated that out of 75
million illegal arms worldwide, 40 million guns were in central India. The
annual budget is approximately Rs 200 crore supported by taxations amounting to
Rs 250 crore.

-It is estimated that they run 80 training camps and train 300 Maoists at any
one time.

-The people's militia which is currently untrained and does not possess
many weapons easily runs into a couple of millions.

Government of India Response

The ruling classes have been gripped by panic and paranoia.They have unleashed
large scale repression. Since the last one year a brutal anti-maoist campaign
called Salwa Judum is being carried out in the state of Chhattishgarh
the strong hold of Maoists.

An estimated 75,000 people have been moved out of their villages and are being
held in concentration camp like conditions.
Most of these people were formerly maoist sympathisers. Chairman Mao had said
the guerilla is a fish in an ocean of people. The Indian government is trying to
empty the ocean.

Hundreds have been killed in the last one year alone by government forces

Blazing Trail

As of today civil war like conditions exist in large parts of the country. The
state repression is immense and Maoist sympathisers have been jailed and killed
in fake encounters,prison cells. Thousands of students have jumped into the
movement and slowly the flame shall engulf the entire country. The path of the
Indian revolution has been long,
painful and torturous. But the struggle carries on.....