


(尼泊尔共产党(毛)临时通告) 2003年12月15日

新闻 视角



在最近一次比较成功的进攻中,12月14日,在特赖东部Mahottari地区Jaleshwor-Bardibas公路上,游击队把武装警察部队的一辆军车打烂,包括一名巡查员、几个低级别军官在内的14个武装警察部队人员被打死;12月1日,在特赖西部Kailali地区的Khimdi, Pandaun 爆发了一场长时间持续的前线阵地战中,此次战斗中,解放军给皇家军队重重一击,15名皇家军队士兵被打死,17人打伤,缴获4个侧视雷达和5000盘军火、20个弹仓、4支303来复枪、一支magnum 步枪、一套通讯设备以及其他装备。7名同志牺牲,包括营长Prahar、和两名连长 Kushal、Sameer;11月15日,在特赖中部Makwanpur地区的Bhaise发动了一次突袭,皇家军队的一名旅长Sagar B. Pande(皇家军队生产部部长)。

同样,其他地区天天都在进行各种军事活动。在西部罗尔泊(Rolpa)地区的Pachhawang,12月13日爆发了一场恶战,皇家士兵死亡10多人,而解放军方面包括Vivek和Battalion Commissar同志在内的4人牺牲;12月10日,在Tanahu地区的Jamune,皇家士兵1死几伤;12月8日,两名皇家士兵在Nepalganj常规办公室被打死;12月6日,多蒂(Doti)地区Baghchheda丛林中的一场遭遇战中,皇室雇佣兵2死几伤。

在东部地区,12月7日,一名警察巡查员在Dhanusha地区被打死,2名警察在Dhankuta地区被打死;12月4日,在莫朗(Morang)地区的Aitbare Ramite进行了一次伏击战,4名皇家士兵被打死;11月24日,在Mechi自治市的一场公路破袭战中,3名警察被打死;11月21日,在Tehrathum Ratmate的一场埋伏战中,两名武装警察力量[APF(Armed Police Force )]的成员被打死;11月18日,在莫朗(Morang)地区的Kanepokhari发动了一次破坏性最强的公路伏击,计划指导人士[IPF(indicative planning figure)]士兵11死4伤;11月16日,在伊拉姆(Ilam)地区的Mangalbare的一次遭遇战中,4名皇家雇佣兵被打死。


最近几个月来,另一个显著的进展就是皇家军队大批士兵脱离旧政权,转而加入了革命阵营。迄今为止,皇家军队、APF和城市警察的500多人相继转变过来,最近的一次事件中,皇家军队Bajura军营的排长Lal B. Ranjali就转而加入了解放军,他还带了一支M-16步枪、150发弹药,并呼吁其他皇家士兵跟随他一起过来。



皇室法西斯军事统治无法掩盖它的丑行,国际社会、组织多次谴责皇室屠杀平民以伪造打死毛主义者的行为,虚假的遭遇战、失踪、野蛮的严刑拷打、强暴、拘留等众多行为都严重的侵犯了人权。原来缄默不语的一些国际组织成员,现在也站出来揭露皇室的法西斯暴行。从Doramba到Mudhbara (多蒂 Doti) ,皇家军队制造了一系列的大规模屠杀,他们无耻可憎的行为使整个国家和国际上的人权组织受到了教育,这些组织强烈要求联合国对尼泊尔的人权状况进行监督、追踪。最近,国际特赦等组织、一些欧盟和北欧的外交使团纷纷针对这一问题发表了公开声明。

有必要一提的是,皇室政权一直都在屠杀囚犯,每当碰到一次解放军战士的打击,他们就杀一些并宣传为“遭遇战中被打死的人”。还有,皇室雇佣兵随意向无辜市民开枪,完成天天下达给他们的指标。例如12月6日,在科塘(Khotang)地区的Chisapani ,一名37岁的学校教师Hari Prasad Bhattarai 和他的两位客人Dakmani Koirala 与 Durga Koirala不幸被雇佣兵选中,在家四周被打死。稍晚时候,就被媒体报道为“遭遇战中被打死的人”;12月12日,博卡拉(Pokhara)的一名17岁的学生Suresh Baral被皇家士兵打死,也被报道为“遭遇战中被打死的人”。全国天天都在上演着这样的事情。









自2001年在巴西的阿列格弗港(Porto Alegre)首次召开,已成为全球非政府组织和各进步团体与个人汇聚、反思的巨大工作室,大家齐聚一堂,共同检讨当今被市场逻辑和新自由主义宰制的世局,探寻社会发展和人性开展的空间。2001年参加人数大约有20000人,其中有来自117个国家的4702位团体代表,参与青年营队的有2000人。


Long Live Marxism-Leninism-Maoism & Prachanda Path!<?xml:namespace prefix = o />


[Occasional Bulletin of the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist)]

No.7 December 15, 2003

News & Views

Royal Mercenaries Get Continued Blow from the PLA

The heroic People’s Liberation Army, Nepal (PLA) has been handing severe blows to the royal mercenary RNA day after day and in every possible front all over the country. There are almost daily reports of successful minings, ambushes, commando attacks and selected frontal battles against the genocidal royal armed forces organized in the so-called Unified Command, in which hundreds have been killed and large quantities of arms and ammunitions seized. This has forced the hired killers of the despotic monarchy to retreat to newly fortified barracks in selected strategic areas and more than eighty percent of the country has passed on to the control of the revolutionary forces. To hide this defeat and embarrassment, the royal butchers have been stepping out stealthily in the nearby areas and massacring unarmed political activists and general masses so as to fulfill their daily quota of ‘encounter deaths’ propagandized through the state controlled media.

In the latest successful attack on the royal mercenaries, fourteen members of the Armed Police Force including an inspector and a number of lower ranking officers were killed when their vehicle was blown-up in a road mining ambush along the Jaleshwor-Bardibas road in Mahottari district of eastern Terai on December 14.

On December 1, in one of the longest frontal battles with the royal hirelings the PLA gave a deadly blow to the RNA killing 15 of them and injuring 17 others in Khimdi, Pandaun of Kailali district in far-western Terai. The PLA also managed to seize 4 SLRs with 5000 rounds of ammunitions and 20 magazines, four .303 rifles, one magnum rifle, one communication set and a load of different ammunitions and other logistics. Seven comrades were, however, martyred in the process, including battalion commander Com. Prahar and two company commanders Com. Kushal and Com. Sameer.

Earlier on November 15, a brigadier-general Sagar B. Pande, who was the head of the production department of the RNA, along with three others, was blown up to death in a mining ambush near Bhaise in Makwanpur district (central inner Terai).

Similarly, successful military actions have been carried out almost on a daily basis in different parts of the country. In the Western Region, a vicious encounter took place with the royal mercenaries on December 13 at Pachhawang of Rolpa district in which more than ten RNA soldiers were killed. However, four comrades including Com. Vivek, Battalion Commissar, attained glorious martyrdom in the process. On December 10, one RNA mercenary was killed and several injured in an ambush at Jamune of Tanahu district. Two RNA butchers were killed in a commando attack at the Nepalganj custom office on December 8. In an encounter with the RNA at Baghchheda jungle of Balchhen in Doti district on December 6, two mercenaries were killed and several others injured.

In the Eastern Region, on December 7, a police inspector was shot dead in Yaduwa of Dhanusha district and two policemen done away with in Dhankuta district. In an ambush at Aitbare Ramite in Morang district on December 4, four RNA mercenaries met their ignominious death. On November 24, in a road mining at Magurmadi in Mechi municipality 3 policemen including two ASIs were killed. Two APF personnel were killed in Tehrathum Ratmate ambush on November 21. In one of the most devastating road mining at Kanepokhari of Morang district on November 18, 11 IPF men were killed and 4 wounded. Four RNA mercenaries were killed in an encounter at Mangalbare of Ilam district on November 16.

Similarly, there were scores of other ambushes & mining in which a number of royal armed forces personnel were killed, many more wounded and weapons seized.

Another noteworthy development in recent months has been the steady desertions from the armed forces of the old state to join the revolutionary camp. So far more than 500 RNA, APF and civil police personnel have deserted. In the latest incident Platoon Commander Lal B. Ranjali of Surkhet serving in Bajura RNA camp has deserted and joined the PLA. He has brought one M-16 rifle and 150 rounds of ammunitions with him and has appealed others in the RNA to follow his example.

However, the royal spin-doctors have been concealing all these news from the public and attempted to prolong their inevitable downfall.

Genocide & Human Rights Violations Flayed

The royal military dictatorship has been increasingly flayed by the international community for its large-scale genocide and human rights violations in the form of fake encounter killings, disappearances and inhuman torture & rape in detention. So far reticent members of the international community, too, have now started raising their voices against the Hitlerite atrocities of the royal regime. A series of mass murders by the RNA mercenaries from Doramba to Mudhbara (Doti) and elsewhere in the most gruesome and blatant manner seems to have woken up the entire national an international human rights community and other organizations to demand a thorough United Nations monitoring of the human rights situation. In recent weeks a number of public statements to the effect have emanated from, among others, Amnesty International and a number of diplomatic missions, mostly from the European Union and Scandinavian countries.

Even the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC), owing allegiance to the old state, has found the recent escalation of genocide and atrocities by the RNA as unpalatable and has started raising its voice against it, even if in a muted manner. The NHRC and other organizations have published a list of more than 700 persons ‘disappeared’ by the old state and called for making their status public.

It may be noted that the genocidal royal regime has been killing the prisoners of war enmass and propagating them as ‘encounter killings’, whenever it is given a real blow by the PLA fighters in the actual battle-field. Also, the royal mercenaries pick up innocent civilians at random to shoot just to fulfill their daily quota of ‘encounter killings’. For example, on December 6, a 37-year old school teacher Hari Prasad Bhattarai and his two guests, Dakmani Koirala and Durga Koirala, were picked up from the house in Chisapani of Khotang district and shot dead in the nearby field. It was later reported as ‘encounter’ death by the state media. Similarly, a 17-year old student, Suresh Baral, was shot dead by the RNA butchers in Pokhara on December 12, and this too was sought to be made an ‘encounter’ death. There are n-number of such cases all over the country.

The CPN (Maoist) has consistently sought to uphold the universal principles of human rights and relevant clauses of Geneva Conventions on war. The Party has time & again publicly welcomed any international monitoring, preferably under the UN auspices, of the human rights situation in the country.

A Series of Bandhs (Shut-Down) Planned

Apart from the military blow by the PLA, a number of revolutionary mass and front organizations have planned to give hard public punch in the form of ‘bandhs’ to the royal military dictatorship this winter.

On December 9, the All Nepal Free Students Union (Revolutionary) organized a successful ‘eastern Nepal bandh’ in support of its long-standing demands, including release of its leaders captured and held incommunicado by the RNA. All the schools & colleges in the entire eastern Region were completely closed for the day.

Similarly, the ‘Madhesh bandh’ called by the Madhesi National Liberation Front in favour of its demands of rights to national self-determination and autonomous rule, among others, on December 15 was a grand success. Total life in the entire Madhesh (i.e. plains) came to a virtual stand still in response to the strike call. This has given a big boost to the prolonged movement of the Madhesi people for equal rights within Nepal and provided a hard blow to the mono-centred monarchical state.

The All Nepal Women’s Association (Revolutionary) has now called for a ‘Nepal bandh’ on March 8, i.e. International Women’s Day, in support of its multi-faceted demands, including equal rights to parental property and equal share of the state.As the royal military dictatorship is virtually pushing even the pacifist parliamentary parties to the path of struggle to regain their partial democratic rights usurped by the monarchy since October 4 last, the coming days are likely to usher in powerful mass movements in the country.

Revolutionaries Plan ‘Mumbai Resistance-2004’

As a parallel event to the annual conference of the NGO-dominated social democratic World Social Forum (WSF) to be held in Mumbai, India, on January 16-21, 2004, various mass and front organizations with Marxist-Leninist-Maoist ideological disposition all over the world are planning ‘Mumbai Resistance-2004’ on January 17-20, 2004. According to the programme chalked out by the organizers, the four-day parallel event would include various workshops and forums, apart from the opening & closing plenary sessions, and a mass rally, focusing on anti-imperialist globalization and war.

It is well-known that, for some years now, the widespread resentment of the world people against imperialist globalization has been capitalized by the WSF in the absence if a genuine and broad-based anti-imperialist forum at the world level. Though some new initiatives like World People’s Resistance Movement(WPRM) have been taken in recent years, they are yet to obtain single-handed recognition and acceptance among the vast anti-imperialist forces. In such a situation a broad coalition of the genuinely anti-imperialist forces would be the best bet to win over the progressive elements veering around the WSF and create a genuine anti-imperialist centre at the world level. The long-term significance of ‘Mumbai Resistance-2004’ should lie in this.

In the immediate term, the ‘Mumbai Resistance-2004’ would do well if it could focus on ways to counter the ever expanding tentacles of the sole superpower imperialism in the South Asian region.


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