

US Imperialist Globalization and Its Elite Partners in the Philippines
Trade, Inequality and State Terrorism
December 12, 2005
(New Patriotic Alliance新爱国联盟)

翻译 廖汉威 核搞校对/SPP翻译小组

The Philippines entry into the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 1995 ushered in a tumultuous decade for Filipinos. Our ten-year experience under the new global trading regime is marred by a never-ending series of crises hitting the country – the financial crisis in 1997, a people’s uprising in 2001, a persistent fiscal crisis that could make the country the next Argentina, and crisis-level human rights violations worse than what the country experienced under martial rule.


In most underdeveloped countries, imperialist neo-liberal economic policies are slowly but surely killing the livelihoods of millions of people, but the tragedy that critics of the WTO have predicted, appears to be unfolding at a faster pace in the Philippines. Consider the facts - the Philippines has one of the lowest GDP growth rates in the ASEAN, a double-digit unemployment, high inflation rate and a high debt to GNP ratio.


Human rights violations are also on an exponential rise. As of the latest tally, there are now 152 victims of political killings since January of this year. This led two international organizations to name the country as the second most dangerous place for journalists, next only to Iraq and one of the most dangerous for trade unionists.


The economic and political crises as these have unfolded however are not independent of each other. They are intertwined since one crisis tends to feed on the other. Before one completely dies down, another one erupts. Why then does the situation in the Philippines appear to be worse than its neighbors?


Fast-track globalization

Back in the early nineties, while other underdeveloped countries were negotiating for exemptions or a slower tariff reduction schedule under the GATT-WTO, the Philippine government boldly announced that it is fast-tracking the country’s trade liberalization commitments. The Philippines’ disastrous performance over the past two decades is therefore just the natural consequence of imperialist globalization taking its toll on a semicolonial and semifeudal society as facilitated by the Philippine ruling elite


It was a recipe for national disaster. But not everybody in the Philippines fared badly under globalization. For the country’s ruling elite – the big landlords and bourgeois compradors, it opened opportunities to consolidate and amass more wealth. As a result, the gap between the rich and the poor further widened. In 1994, the richest 10 percent earned an average income that was 19 times more than the income of the poorest 10 percent of the population. In 2003, however, the gap was 24 times more between the top and bottom 10 percent income deciles, leading to a further marginalization of the poor and underprivileged. For the same year, the income of the richest 20% comprised 53% of total national income. The remaining 47% is shared by 80% of the rest of the population.

It was a recipe for national disaster。但不是菲律宾的每个人在全球化下都过的很糟。对菲律宾的统治精英来说(包括大地主与资产阶级买办),快速的全球化历程对他们开放了机会以巩固与累积财富。结果贫富差距进一步的扩大了。1994年最富有的10%人口所赚取的平均收入是10%最贫穷人口的19倍。然而2003年,在最高层与最底层的10%之间差距成为24倍,并导致穷人与下层社会进一步的边缘化。同年,20%最富有者的收入占全国收入的53%,尚余的47%却被剩下的80%人口所分享。

The Philippines before WTO


The Philippines, prior to joining the WTO was a country still trying to recover from the ravages of a twenty-year dictatorship. The dictator Marcos, a strategic US Cold War ally, and his gang of cronies plundered the nation’s coffers 资产and plunged it into debt. In 1979, the country was among the first to enter the IMF Structural Adjustment Program. The combined effect of deregulation, privatization, and liberalization led to a general economic contraction. During the mid eighties GDP growth was a negative 3.9 percent. By the early nineties, GDP growth hovered at a mediocre range of to 4% to 5.7%.


The opportunity for reforms after the 1986 People Power uprising was wasted because the Aquino regime chose to uphold the same pro-imperialist policies as her predecessor前辈. Aquino turned her back on转身不里 the people and chose to honor the payment of all debts, including fraudulent ones, to earn the IMF seal of good housekeeping and to please foreign creditors.的But by prioritizing debt payments above everything else, the country had to make huge sacrifices in education, health, infrastructure and other basic services to the people. Over the years, the government failed to make significant reforms on education and health as the budgetary allocation was just sufficient to cover operating and maintenance expenses.


Managing the economy for the purpose of genuine national development, poverty alleviation and a more equitable distribution of income then became a very challenging, if not an impossible task as the IMF and the World Bank were practically dictating on the government what to do and not do.

以治理经济来成就真正的国家发展,减缓贫穷与更公平的收入分配变得非常具有挑战性,if not an impossible task当国际货币基金与世界银行正实际的指导政府什么该做或什么不该做。

If Marcos and Aquino submitted government to foreign control, the total surrender of Philippine economic policy to the dictates of US imperialism was almost completed under the Ramos regime of 1992-98. Ramos implemented full trade and capital account liberalization that removed all restrictions on the entry of goods and repatriation of foreign capital. Trade and investment policy were surrendered to a global institution dominated by giant corporate interests, the WTO.


By the time of the Arroyo regime in 2001 the government had become a complete appendage附属品 of imperialist economic interests. Government was, reduced to a managerial function in the service of foreign creditors债权人 and giant multinational interests.


To comply with its WTO commitments, the government changed 40 laws and regulations without regard for the basis of their existence, their possible consequences, or a careful long-term plan. New laws were also introduced including the liberalization and privatization of the power sector. There is now a drive for changing the Constitution and removing provisions that protect the national patrimony and economy. It was recently revealed that a US-based lobby group, Venable LLP, was hired by the Arroyo government to seek US congressional funding for the Philippine government’s thrust to revise the constitution.

为了遵守对WTO的承诺,艾若育政权更动40个法案与规定,无视于这些法规的存在基础、可能的结果或更细致的长期计划。新法律也被引进,包括权力部门的自由化与私有化。当前存在着一个修改宪法并去除国家遗产与经济保护的驱力。一个美国为基础的游说团体Venable LLP,为了菲国政府致力修宪一事,被艾若育雇用来争取美国国会资金最近被揭露出来。

The extent to which the government had become an appendage of US imperialism had at one point become literal. In February 2003, representatives from the Bayan Muna party revealed that a USAID-funded group called office in 11 key government agencies and drafted 12 important economic bills heavily favoring the US which would later be passed into law. These involved among others the safeguarding of intellectual property rights, the Special Purpose Asset Vehicle (SPAV), liberalization of retail trade and reform of the government procurement system.

菲国政府成为美国帝国主义附属品已经从点到线的扩大。2003年2月Bayan Muna代表揭露了一个美国国际开发援助署所赞助的团体,该团体名为增进公平成长、投资与自由化(Accelerated Growth, Investment and Liberalization with Equity, AGILE),召集11个主要政府局处并起草12项重要经济法案,并在稍后通过为法律,深深地肥了美国利益。这些法律包括捍卫聪明财产权、非凡目的资产载体Special Purpose Asset Vehicle (SPAV)、零售交易自由化与政府采购体系的改革reform of the government procurement system等。

Staking a claim on globalization

The economic restructuring proceeded at a dizzying pace. This led peasants, workers, and sections of the middle class under the organizations of Kilusang Magbubukid ng Pilipinas (KMP), Kilusang Mayo Uno (KMU) and Bayan to actively protest the globalization policies.


From a political economic perspective, it is apparent how a congruence一致 of interests between imperialist powers and the traditional local ruling elite has reached its peak , albeit at the expense of the people.


Lethal mix: financial and trade liberalization

The government, which in the Philippine case is historically an elite-dominated and controlled institution, was sold to the idea that the best way to achieve faster growth is to subject the country to a neo-liberal shock treatment. It opened all sectors of the economy to foreign competition (even with respect to natural resource extraction such as mining), completed the privatization of the government-controlled utilities sector such as power and water, and allowed the full repatriation of foreign capital.


The entry of surplus goods and capital in the country coincided with the lowering of tariffs in many sectors including manufacturing and industry. Cheap imports started flooding the market and displaced locally made goods. Manufacturing establishments were closing down in droves. It was not a good time to invest within the productive sectors of society. Money instead went into real estate speculation, consumption, non-tradeables other activities of the same nature.


For the landed class and the bourgeois compradors whose oligarchy extends to the banking sector, financial liberalization was a lucrative prospect. Having a majority or controlling share in one or two banks allowed them to obtain loans at very favorable interest and terms. Money flowed from foreign creditors right into their own hands which enabled them to shift into real estate speculation or enter into merger or takeover deals.


But sooner than expected, the speculative bubble burst as it became clear that a lot of bad loans had been made. Foreign portfolio investment left as quickly as they came leading to a sharp peso devaluation and a drying up of the country’s foreign reserves.


There were calls for the government to impose foreign exchange controls like what Malaysia did to stop the peso dive and prevent runaway inflation caused by the peso devaluation. The government however prioritized the interests of foreign creditors above the welfare of the people and did nothing.


Fiscal and financial crisis

The response of the government to the financial crisis was hardly imaginative. It resorted to the same contractionary program of the eighties. The devaluation raised the value of the dollar-denominated debt in peso terms. However, tariffs and custom duties, which were significant sources of revenue dried up. IBON Foundation, a socioeconomic research think tank placed the estimates of foregone revenue from tariff reduction at P100 billion a year. Revenue losses from tax exemptions granted to large corporations amount to P229.1 billion.


The number of government-owned or controlled corporations or agencies up for privatization dwindled. The sale of these government assets artificially buoyed up government revenues during the period of restructuring which made possible the budget surplus posted from 1994-97, the only years that the country did not post a fiscal deficit.


The nation’s total debt under the Arroyo regime rose to a historic high of P5.9 trillion in 2003 from P 2.167 trillion in 1995. Bayan Muna estimates that for every peso in tax paid by a Filipino, 94 centavos goes to servicing the country’s debt.

菲国总负债从1995年的2兆1670亿披索,在艾若育政权下2003年达到5.9兆披索。Bayan Muna估计从每个菲律宾人民所缴纳一披索的税中,有94分需要用来服务于国家的债务。

Forming strategic alliances in utilities

The bond between foreign interests and the big local conglomerates tightened with the spate忽然增多 of new strategic alliances in the form of joint venture 合营公司and mergers and acquisitions. Most of these partnerships are concentrated on deregulated utilities, power, shipping, banking, telecommunications, and infrastructure.


Two large conglomerates owned by the traditional business elite, the Ayalas and Lopez, won the concession to operate the privatized water distribution service Manila Water and Sewerage System (MWSS) in 1997. Manila Water, went to the Ayala Group of Companies with its American and Japanese partners Bechtel, United Utilities and Mitsubishi Corp. Maynilad Water went to Lopez-owned Benpres Holdings Inc. with its French partner Suez Lyonnaise des Esaux partner.

两个大型、为传统商业精英所拥有的集团Alaya与Lopez公司,在1997年获得了特许区域来进行马尼拉自来水用水分配服务与污水下水道系统的私有化water distribution service Manila Water and Sewerage System (MWSS)。马尼拉用水区因此落入Ayala企业集团手中,该集团由美日合作伙伴贝奇异尔Bechtel公司、联合公用公司United Utilities与三菱公司Mitsubishi Corp所组成。Maynilad用水区则划分给Lopez公司,该公司为Benpres Holdings 公司与其法国合作伙伴Suez Lyonnaise des Esaux所拥有。(译者按:Benpres Holdings 公司为菲律宾前50大商业集团之一。)

Utilities are especially prized because of their status as a natural monopoly and the assured保证担保 high and steady stream of revenue it generates. The local and foreign partnership had disastrous consequences for the people as the granting of monopoly rights led to water rates going up by 450% since 1997.


2001 People’s uprising

The Estrada administration which assumed office a year after the 1997 financial crisis erupted had to face the brunt冲击 of the crisis. His economic policymakers tried another tack方针 and instituted a short-lived expansionary 扩张性program to boost aggregate demand. Priority was given to a bankrupt housing program and higher military spending justified by the “total war" policy in Southern Philippines. However, the expected multiplier effect from pump-priming did not materialize. Instead, the reality that government was spending more than it was earning in revenues kicked in.

埃斯特拉达政权Estrada administration以为必须面对1997年金融危机爆发后造成的冲击。其经济政策采取别的方针在制定一短期的扩张性计划来促进总体需求。计划的优先性上,破产住房计划bankrupt housing program与较高的军费支出以「全面开战」的政策之名在菲律宾南部加以合理化。然而所预期刺激经济的市政投资此倍数效果并未实现。相反的,事实上菲国政府的支出多过于国家总收入。

Although corruption is endemic to all Philippine administrations, the issue of corruption under Estrada became more 打压pressing as the ruling clique派系 expanded the scope of its operations to include illegal activities, largely as a result of drying up of opportunities for bureaucrat capitalism.


The political and economic crisis eventually led to a second People Power uprising in 2001.The removal of Estrada from office paved the way for the ascendancy 优势of neo-liberal economist Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo who during her stint as Senator pushed for the country’s membership in the WTO. Corruption however worsened under the Arroyo regime. A 2004 study by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) placed the yearly revenue losses from corruption at 13 percent of the national budget while the National Tax Research Center (NTRC) estimates annual corruption losses at 20-30 percent.

2001年此政治与经济危机最终产生了第二次风起云涌的人民力量。罢黜埃斯特拉达的行动却为新自由主义经济学家艾若育构筑了坦途。艾若育在她参议员任内极力争取菲律宾加入世界贸易组织。艾若育政权下贪腐的情况加重了。联合国2004年的一项发展计划中揭示了,当国家税务研究中心National Tax Research Center (NTRC)估计每年贪腐减少20-30%的时候,菲国国家总收入的减少是由于贪腐使菲国减少13%的国家预算。

In its drive to liberalize the economy, the Arroyo regime was said to have entered into shady deals暗盘交易 with foreign corporations such as the IMPSA (Industrias Metalurgicas Pescarmona Sociedad Anonima) transaction which is said to involve at a $2 million pay-off in exchange for a sovereign guarantee by the Philippine government.

在菲律宾经济自由化的驱力下,艾若育政权被爆料涉嫌与外资企业进行暗盘交易,像与IMPSA(Industrias Metalurgicas Pescarmona Sociedad Anonima)的交易,据传菲律宾政府涉入一200万美金的贿赂案中来交换政府(对企业)的国家保证。


The absence of genuine land reform has been a big stumbling block to national development. The biggest landlords come from a traditional land owning class that has been characterized by its general lack of interest in making investments to increase productivity. Landlords rely on feudal exploitation to amass wealth. Backward methods of agriculture and an inequitable distribution of distribution are the main reasons why two-thirds of the country’s poor can be found in the rural areas.


Genuine land reform would have addressed the age-old inequalities spawned by the semi-feudal set up. But the land reform program under Aquino, herself coming from the landed class, was riddled with loopholes. It contained numerous provisions wherein land owners can actually evade distributing their land by converting it to commercial, industrial and other uses.


The schedule for the redistribution of private land coincided with financial liberalization. Big landowners were desperate to evade land reform, so those who had access to capital took advantage of the cheap loans to convert lands into other uses. During the nineties, land use conversion became a big problem for farmers. Rice and corn farmlands were being converted into golf courses, luxury resorts and residential subdivisions. Based on government records, from 1988 to 2004, around 800,000 hectares of agricultural lands had been converted to other uses. Land conversion, according to a source from DAR, is the “easiest way of circumventing the law on land reform.”


Also during this period, agricultural farm subsidies were slowly being dismantled by the government as part of the economy-wide shock treatment being implemented. Subsidized rice procurement by the National food Authority (intended to protect farmers from retailers who buy from farmers at very low prices) was reduced. During the mid nineties the NFA procured an average of 5 percent of total rice production when it would need to buy at least 24 percent of the national harvest in order to influence the market. Agricultural tariffs were also gradually reduced. By 1995, compared to other Southeast Asian neighbors, the Philippines had one of the lowest average agricultural tariffs.


The result was that even the small number of land reform beneficiaries ended up selling their land because farming was no longer a viable source of income. The Center for Peasant Education and Services (CPES) in Southern Tagalog and Central Luzon regions showed that three out of five holders of Certification of Land Ownership Award (CLOA) or Emancipation Patent (EP) sold their rights or mortgaged their land then stopped paying the amortizations and abandoned their properties.

其结果是即使少数的土改受益人不堪负荷因此需要卖掉土地,因为不能再倚赖农业作为收入的来源。位于南塔加洛与中吕宋区的农民教育与服务中心(The Center for Peasant Education and Services ,CPES)表示,五名中有三位手中握有土地所有权证实Certification of Land Ownership Award (CLOA)或解放专利权(Emancipation Patent, EP)者,将他们的权利卖出或抵押其土地,随后中止偿还分期付款并放弃他们的财产。

Worse, imported agricultural products from imperialist countries with highly subsidized agriculture were being dumped in the Philippines. While poor countries removed subsidies, industrialized powers maintained high subsidies.


Instead of employment generation, 4 million jobs were lost in agriculture since 1995, and 9,900 farmlands went bankrupt.


Rice, corn, vegetables

Among those hardest hit by land conversion and import liberalization were the rice and corn farmers. Prior to the WTO, rice imports averaged 96,000 MT and rose to 1,126,000 MT 公吨in the next five years, or an increase of 1,072%. Average corn imports on the other hand rose from 55,000 MT to 414,000 MT, or by 653%.


The original government plan was to shift from these so-called low value-added agricultural goods to high value crops like cut flowers and asparagus. But this required a huge capital investment for the producers.

原本政府的计划是将低附加价值之农业产品往高附加价值的作物转移,像cut flowers 与芦笋,但对生产者来说这需要高度资本投资。

As average vegetable imports rose by 169%, vegetable farmers in the Cordillera and Central Luzon found themselves victims of the lopsided and unjust global trading regime.


Prior to globalization, farmers in the Cordillera were encouraged to plant potatoes. When the market was flooded with cheap potato imports, farmers found no buyers for their produce. Many left their potatoes to rot in the fields.


Poultry and livestock subsection

The US twice brought to the attention of the WTO Dispute Settlement Body (DSB) certain measures like delays in granting of import licenses that allegedly impeded the entry of American hog and poultry into the country and accused the government of violating its WTO commitments. The US move was supported by the EU which was also interested in the Philippine market. The dispute was settled with the government conceding让步 to the US request at the expense of local producers. As a result, the average importation of hogs rose by 1,700% and poultry by 1,200%.

美国两次关注于世界贸易组织的争端解决机构Dispute Settlement Body (DSB),其中一些措施像延缓同意进口执照的核发,来阻止美国猪肉与家禽的进口;另一项则为指控当地政府违反世界贸易组织的共识。美国的对策为欧盟所支持,欧盟也同样有爱好进入菲律宾市场。以本地生产者为代价的,上述争议最终已经谈妥,菲国同意对美国的要求让步。结果,输入的猪肉平均增加了1700%,家禽肉则为1200%。

Manufacturing and Industry subsection

Globalization’s destructive effects on business establishments and labor is staggering. According to IBON, each day, from 1995 to 2004, six firms closed down, and 164 people were forced out of work daily due to closures or retrenchment.


In a similar survey conducted among the members of the Federation of Philippine Industries (FPI), 56 member firms closed down from 1995 to 2001, displacing 80,319 workers. Twenty nine firms have downsized their operations and retrenched 4,019 workers.

在菲律宾工业联盟(Federation of Philippine Industries, FPI)一篇针对会员的调查报告指出类似的情况,从1995年到2001年有56间会员公司停业、撤换了80319名员工、29间公司缩小规模并紧缩了4019名劳工。

In the shoe industry 20,000 workers lost their jobs due to retrenchment or closure, in the cement industry, 23,400; in steel 2,000; rubber wheels, 7,000; flour, 1,000 and in motor vehicles, 7,000.


Even more alarming is the trend towards higher degrees of monopoly or oligopolistic concentration within the manufacturing and corporate sector. A report by the Department of Trade and Industry showed that the four-firm concentration ratio (C4) for all manufacturing (which is the share of the top four firms in the industry), increased from 70.88 in 1988 to 73.64 in 1995. In the same study, profits in manufacturing tend to increase with the concentration index indicating that the biggest firms possess sufficient market power to fix prices.


Another study conducted by the Philippine Institute for Development Studies, showed that the industry-wide C4 concentration ratio increased from 71% in 1988 to 88% in 1998.


The same trend is refleted in the corporate sector. Among the publicly listed firms, one dominant shareholder controlled on average 41% of equity. The top 5 shareholders have a majority control of 3 out of every 4 listed companies. Far from encouraging competition, the number of closures, coupled with the number of mergers and acquisitions under globalization only served to reduced the number of firms to a few monopolies.


Data from 1990 to 1996 showed 21 cross-border mergers and acquisitions (M&As) took place in the Philippines amounting to US$515.90. In 2004, there were 46 publicly announced merger and acquisition deals with a combined amount of US$420.9 million.


The quantitative losses were matched by a qualitative decay in manufacturing structure. Firms that have survived and can potentially survive the onslaught of globalization are those engaged in very little value-added production. A large proportion of inputs are imported and the products eventually exported.


This is true for the country’s two top leading exports - electronics, where almost two-thirds of its total value is imported- and garments and textiles, where imported inputs comprise 64% of the total value.


The export winners failed to form any backward linkages with the rest of the economy. Since the abolition of laws that required that a certain percentage of manufacturing inputs should be sourced from the Philippines, the country became a part of the internationalization of the global production processes of corporate global giants.


The percentage of manufacturing share to total GDP deteriorated over the last three decades. From 25% during the 1970s, this went down to 22%. According to the Ecumenical Institute for Labor Education and Research (EILER), the share of manufacturing value-added and employment is actually lower today when compared to the mid-fifties level.

制造业的部份在整体国民生产总值所占比率在过去三十年来持续下降,从1970年的25%,已经下降到目前的22%。根据Ecumenical Institute for Labor Education and Research (EILER),比较50年代中期的水平,在今日制造业股票的附加价值与雇用确实较低。

As former National Economic Development Administration chief Cielito Habito put it, “Manufacturing is narrow, hollow and shallow.” This give rise to the phenomenon of jobless growth where any nominal GDP growth is not accompanied by an increase in employment.

如同前国家经济发展部部长Cielito Habito所指出的,菲国制造业就是规模小、空洞化以及根基浅薄narrow, hollow and shallow。上述种种造成了失业率的攀升,表面上GDP的成长并不伴随着雇用的增加。


Unemployment is now the highest since the last half century. About 4.8 million Filipinos are unemployed and 8.4 million are underemployed, bringing the number of people looking for work or still looking for additional sources of work to 13 million.


For the employed, the daily minimum wage of PhP350 (US$6.93) is not even sufficient to cover the daily cost of living at PhP756 (US$14.97). Workers have long demanded for a legislated wage increase but the government’s export-oriented economic strategy is anchored on maintaining cheap wages and a docile labor force.

Having a job also does not mean that one can keep it. Hiring of contractual labor is fast becoming the norm. Workers are hired, fired and rehired in a cycle of six months thus narrowing, if not eliminating, the chances of landing a regular job. Other forms of contractualization include subcontracting, agency-hiring, job-out and homework.


These irregular forms of employment were intended to make the labor market more flexible, and drive down labor costs, thus making foreign investments in the Philippines more profitable. Job security and other hard-won gains by the unions are undermined. The formation of unions are discouraged. In most cases, a contractual does not have social security and other benefits a regular worker enjoys.


In 1990, two-thirds of all establishments employed workers in irregular and atypical employment. According to EILER, “the combined share of casual, contractual and part-time workers in total enterprise-based employment fluctuated around 14-15 percent from 1990 to 1994 but jumped to 18.1 percent between 1994 and 1995, and further to 21.1 percent as of 1997 (for which latest data is available). However, this underestimates the extent of contractualization, to be sure, considering that these account for only three forms of insecure employment and only those reported by employers to the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE).”



The US alleged that it has been losing US$120 million in copyright violations in the country; the Philippines is on the Super 301 Priority Watchlist of violators. While the US claims to be losing on this ground, it gained headway with the of IPR protection laws that favor US multinational interest in the country such as the Intellectual Property Code and the Electronic Commerce Act.电子商务法

美国宣称,由于违反著作权导致美方在菲律宾损失了1亿2000万美金,菲律宾被列为超级违反301的优先观察名单中。当美国宣称他们在菲国蒙受损失,美国却借着聪明财产权保护法挣得了巨大利益,该法肥了跨国公司的利益,像智能财产法Intellectual Property Code 与电子商务法 the Electronic Commerce Act。

More recently, the farmers’ groups were shocked to hear Congress revelations that the Plant Variety Protection Act otherwise known as RA 9168 was based entirely on a draft prepared by a US lobby group funded by the USAID. According to the Bayan Muna Party-list, the law allows foreign seed and biotechnology transnational corporations to secure protection rights over plant varieties in the country, to the detriment of informal and indigenous breeders who have been developing and improving on local plant varieties for centuries.

最近,农民组织震动地从国会咨文中听到植物多样性保护法案the Plant Variety Protection Act(即知名的菲国第9168号法案)完全遵从美国一游说团体所撰写的草稿(而该游说团体是USAID赞助资金的单位)。依据Bayan Muna所列举的,该法案答应外国种子与生物科技跨国公司在菲国拥有植物多样性的专利保护权,进而损害了非正式与本地的养育者,他们数个世纪以来已经发展并改进了本地的植物多样性。

The same lobby group also provided assistance to the Department of Agriculture, Department of Health and Department of Science and Technology in developing guidelines to make present and future biotechnology laws consistent with international obligations.


This was how the US agri-giant Monsanto succeeded in introducing its genetically modified Bt corn seed in the country on a massive scale. A bag of Bt corn seeds for a hectare of land costs P4,500 while ordinary hybrid corn costs only P2,300. According to Masipag, a network of scientists and peasants of which KMP is a member, the difference roughly corresponds to Monsanto’s charge for its IPR use. In 2003, as there were 20,000 hectares of land planted to Bt corn in the country, Monsanto earned P44 million.


People’s resistance and increasing human rights violations

As millions of people lose their jobs, and are deprived of their basic right to live decently, the number and scale of protests have also risen. The fight for economic survival transformed into a deeper understanding of the workings of the unseen villains behind their personal tragedies.


Already isolated from the people, the Arroyo regime desperately woos Washington to convince the US that, despite the public clamor for Arroyo’s removal from office, she is still their best puppet. As one of the first national leaders to express support for the US invasion of Iraq, she had already proved her worth as a rabid ally of the US. During the recently concluded APEC Summit in Korea, Arroyo proposed that the Philippines host an APEC meeting of counter-terrorism experts and that the US lead the initiatives within the regional body. Her spin doctors now call her an international leader in the global fight against “terrorism”.

艾若育自绝于人民之外,该政权绝望地向华府恳求来说服美国人民,尽管菲国人民呼吁艾若育应与华府脱钩,但她仍是华府最好的傀儡。作为第一个支持美国入侵伊拉克的国家领导人之一,艾若育已证实了她的价值就是作为一个美国强力的同路人。在南韩召开的亚太经济合作高峰会APEC Summit期间,艾若育提议由菲律宾主办亚太经合会之反恐会议,并主张由美国主导在亚太地区的反恐行动。她的媒体顾问spin doctors称她为全球对抗恐怖主义的国际领袖。

It has been acknowledged worldwide that the US “war on terror” is aimed at protecting US politico-military and economic interests world wide. There is a logical link between the targets of the US “war on terror” and the economic and military expansionist thrusts of the Bush administration under imperialist globalization. The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan followed this logic. US military intervention in the Philippines on the other hand follows from US strategic political, military and economic interests in Southeast Asia.


Arroyo’s efforts were richly rewarded with the rare opportunity of a US state visit in 2003 where talks of considering the Philippines as a “non-NATO ally” surfaced. Bush explained that this would mean that it will be easier for the US to answer Philippine requests for military equipment and other forms of aid in modernizing the capabilities of the military.

2003年艾若育的努力获得了美方少有的回馈,对方盛赞菲律宾是「非北大西洋公约组织的盟友」“non-NATO ally”。布什对此的解释是,这意味着对美国来说(非凡在)现代化菲国的军事能力上,将更轻易响应菲律宾对军事设备与其它形式援助的要求。

The Arroyo regime also concocted 捏造a devious歪曲 and dangerous scheme to tag a revolutionary people’s movement as “terrorist” and lobbied for the formal inclusion of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) and the New People’s Army (NPA) in the US list of terrorist organizations. However, the 2005 Philippine Human Development Report (PHDR) commissioned 委任by the UN Development Program and the New Zealand Aid practically exonerated 证实无罪the Communist Party of the Philippines from allegations that it is a terrorist group. It said, “In fairness to the CPP-NPA (New Peoples Army) historical record of armed struggle, it has not, as a policy and generally in practice, engaged in terrorism or acts of terrorism by deliberately targeting civilians,” the report said.

艾若育政权也谋划一个隐微与危险的计划,把革命的人民运动标贴为「恐怖份子」,并透过游说把菲律宾共产党与新人民军列为美国的恐怖份子组织名单之列。然而,联合国发展计划与纽西兰援助金所委制的2005年菲律宾人权发展报告Philippine Human Development Report (PHDR)却实际的证实菲律宾共产党在那些指控下是无罪的。其中该报告说道:「对菲律宾共产党与新人民军来说这是公正的,不管政策上或普遍的操作上,回顾其武装斗争的历史纪录都并无蓄意以市民为目标而涉入恐怖主义或恐怖主义的行为。」

It now appears that the Arroyo regime’s baseless and maliciously恶意的 erroneous不正确的 pronouncement is just a smokescreen to hide the real intent of quashing all forms of legitimate protest directed at bankrupt economic policies and corrupt leadership. Fearful that she will suffer the fate of her predecessor who was ousted by a popular people’s uprising, Arroyo has expanded the definition of “terrorism” and “terrorist” activities to include legitimate forms of protests. She has specifically targeted leaders and members of progressive people’s organizations and cause-oriented groups such as Bayan, KMU, KMP, Bayan Muna, Gabriela and Karapatan who are critical of imperialist globalization and the government’s “all-out war” policy and whose membership were key forces in the ouster of the previous administration.

很明显的,艾若育政权这些没有基础、恶意与错误的指控只在制造烟雾,意图在隐藏其打压所有合法抗争形式的目的,而这些抗争却直指着菲国破产的经济政策与贪腐的领导阶层。艾若育惧怕将遭受前任独裁者被人民力量驱逐的相同命运,遂扩大解释「恐怖主义」与「恐怖行为」,将合法抗议纳入其中。她非凡锁定进步的人民运动领袖与成员,以及一干「滋事团体」像Bayan, KMU, KMP, BAYAN MUNA, Gabriela and Karapatan 等。这些团体以及一些驱逐前政权的主要干部对帝国主义全球化、相关政府「全面开战」的反恐政策提出批判。

In a speech given before business leaders in 2002, Arroyo declared war against “criminals, drug lords, gambling lords… and those who terrorize factories that create jobs.” Her open declaration of war against striking workers led to the death of three trade union leaders this year. Diosdado “Ka Fort” Fortuna, the respected 51-year old union president of the global food giant Nestle Philippines Inc. was shot on the head by motorcycle-riding gunmen in October. In September, Teotimo Dante, union board member of the Schneider Packaging Workers’ Union (SPWU) died at the picket line when company security forces opened fire on the strikers in an attempt to disperse them. Recently, Ricardo “Ka Ric” Ramos, president of the striking Central Azucarera de Tarlac Labor Union (CATLU) in Hacienda Luisita was shot dead by armed men suspected to be soldiers.

在2002年一场商界领袖聚会的演说中,艾若育发表对「罪犯、贩毒分子、聚赌分子与那些恐吓工厂分子」宣战。她进而公开公布对抗罢工滋事分子,并导致三名工会领袖的死亡。Diosdado “Ka Fort” Fortuna是名年约51岁、全球食品拖拉斯「雀巢」公司的工会主席,十月份他被摩托车持枪者枪击头部致死。九月份,由于工厂武装安全人员对罢工群众开火企图驱散示威者,Schneider 包装厂同业工会成员Teotimo Dante逝世于罢工线现场。最近,位于路易西塔大庄园(Hacienda Luisita)的striking Central Azucarera de Tarlac Labor Union (CATLU)工会主席Ricardo “Ka Ric” Ramos,被怀疑为军人的武装人员枪击致死。

The Center for Trade Union and Human Rights (CTUHR) recorded 27 cases of assault at the picket lines involving 1,457 individuals nationwide from January to September this year.

工会与人权中心(The Center for Trade Union and Human Rights, CTUHR)记录了27件在罢工线的攻击案例,从2005年1月到9月在全国包含了1457名受害者。

During his state visit, US President Bush congratulated Arroyo for her tough stance on “terrorism” and offered some words of advice: “You can’t talk to them (terrorists), you can’t negotiate with them, you find them.” Arroyo explained that “in the Philippines, terrorism (sic) thrives and gets its recruits, not coincidentally, in the provinces that are the poorest, in the region that is the poorest in our country.”

在布什总统造访期间,他为艾若育反恐的坚定立场道贺,并提供建言,「你不能与恐怖份子们谈什 ,你不能跟他们协商什 ,你要做的就是把他们揪出来。」艾若育解释道「在菲律宾,恐怖主义的猖狂与壮大并不是偶然,在乡间地区有许多赤贫者,恐怖份子就存在于那些赤贫者间。」

Since January this year up to the time of this writing alone, Arroyo’s state-sponsored terrorism claimed the lives of 152 people according to the human rights group KARAPATAN. They have been assassinated or killed because of their involvement with people’s organizations, participation in rallies or strikes, opposition to foreign mining firms and other multinational corporations’ operations in the country, and staunch opposition to the US-backed Arroyo regime.


A total of 4,207 cases of human rights violations were recorded affecting 232,796 individuals or 24,299 families in 237 communities. Most of the cases occurred in poor rural areas that are grievously affected by the policies of imperialist globalization.



In the Philippines, imperialist globalization breeds a vicious and never-ending cycle of economic and political crises. US imperialism imposes policies to further open up the Philippine market for their surplus products and capital while the ruling elite benefits from corrupt activities because of huge payoffs and 有利可图lucrative partnerships with foreign firms. By their nature, these policies reduce the majority of the people to poverty and misery and alienates them from government that is supposed to promote their basic interests.


With mounting people’s resistance, the current ruling clique implements a heightened policy of repression which also includes adherence to the 强制性的obligatory requisites of the US-led “war on terror”.

Fighting US imperialist globalization involves unmasking the nature of the strategic class alliances that perpetuates neocolonial relations. In order to defeat US imperialism in the Philippines, the people must unite to end the rule of the big landlords, big compradors and bureaucrat capitalists.


It is the Filipino peoples’ fervent hope that defeating imperialist rule in the country will bring about the further weakening of imperialism worldwide, thus contributing substantially to the international anti-imperialist struggle.#
