
尼泊尔共产党中心委员会紧急声明 <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

印度警察逮捕了光荣的尼泊尔共产党(毛主义)常务委员会经验丰富的成员、东部地区中心司令部负责人Mohan Baidhya同志,这一消息使我们全党感到震动。Mohan Baydhya同志在印度西孟加拉邦治疗白内障的一段时间内,居住在西里古里 Siliguri),印度警察还逮捕了帮助他进行治疗的Narayan Bikram Pradhan同志。从此一场预先策划好的掩盖主要政治问题的阴谋展开了,他们以武器问题把虚假的指控强加在Mohan Baydhya同志头上。对Badhya 同志的逮捕不是一个简单、偶然的事件,而是尼泊尔封建统治者出卖尼泊尔水资源和其它资源同印度进行交易阴谋的产物。我党强烈遣责这种预先策划好的阴谋诡计和对Mohan Baydhya同志的逮捕,并要求对这位经验丰富的老政治人士给予尊重的政治对待。Mohan Baydhya 同志是哲学和美学方面的理论家,他为尼泊尔人民摆脱封建主义和帝国主义的控制、获取自由奋斗了40年,对他的任何无礼举动都将为尼泊尔人民和印度及全世界所有热爱正义的人们所不容。我党恭敬地呼吁所有的人权组织和机构,知识分子、热爱人民的政治势力和尼泊尔、印度及全世界广大的人民群众发出他们的声音,以保证Mohan Baydhya 同志的安全、尊严和自由。


The news that the Indian police arrest of Comrade Mohan Baidhya, a veteran(经验丰富的) member of the Standing Committee (常务委员会) of our glorious party, Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) as well as the in-charge of the eastern central command has made the whole Party stunned. Comrade Mohan Baydhya has been staying in Siliguri, West Bengal of India for some times in terms of cataract treatment. The Indian police also arrested Narayan Bikram Pradhan who was assisting on his treatment. Hence(从此) a preplanned (预先计划)conspiracy to shadow the main political issue is ongoing by imposing false charge about weapons, against Comrade Mohan Baydhya. The arrest of Comrade Badhya is not an occasional and simple incident but a product of intriguen.阴谋, 诡计vi.密谋, 私通)and exchange of the Indian and Nepalese feudal rulers against Nepalese rivers and natural resources. Our Party strongly condemns such preplanned conspiracies and the arrest of Comrade Mohan Baydhya and demands a respectful political conduct against an old and veteran political personality. Any disrespectful (失礼的,无礼的) conduct against Comrade Mohan Baydhya, a theoretician (精通于理论的人,理论家) on philosophy and aesthetics (美学) and who has persistently been struggling for 40 years for the freedom of the Nepalese people from the clutches of feudalism and imperialism, will not be tolerable not only for the Nepalese people but also the just loving people of India and of the world. Our party humbly appeals to all the human right organization and institution, intellectual personalities, pro-people political forces and broad mass of the Nepal and India and the world to raise their voices for the security, respect and release(释放).

March 31, 2004



Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist)