今天,毛泽东主义者称他们追随已故中国共产党领袖毛泽东提出的共产主义原理,当向毛泽东主义叛军问及他们的政治哲学时, Gautam 忠贞地重申:“毛泽东主义是马克思主义的第三阶段,它全面地描述了共产主义。”
令毛泽东主义者悲哀的是,当今的中国领导人坚定地站在了君主制的一边,并称“尼泊尔毛泽东主义者盗用了毛泽东的名义”。绝望地向西方寻求所需的军事和金融支持的Deuba政府发起了内战,并花言巧语地称之为反恐战争。其它的尼泊尔政客也“机敏地”采用了这个叫法。而闻名的人权活动家,去年政府—毛泽东主义者和平谈判的调停者 Padma Ratna Tuladhar对这种叫法嗤之以鼻:“他们不是恐怖分子,他们在为正义而战,实际上政府不能以正确地方式回答他们提出的任何一个问题。” Gautam同意道:“纵观尼泊尔历史,假如不出现毛泽东主义者,将会出现另外的[...]”(《世界出版评论》2003年2月8日)
Who are the Maoists ?
"The Maoist rebels are the political "kin" of a key actor in mainstream Nepalese politics, the Communist Party of Nepal (Unified Marxist-Leninist), which was founded in 1949.
By 1986, the Communist Party of Nepal (CPN), was finding its stride. There was growing agitation for the return of multi-party politics. As the country's political debate became more heated, the CPN splintered into two groups: The CPN-Fourth Congress and the CPN-Masal (See diagram). The CPN-Masal, the forbearers of the Maoists, favored using violence to restore democracy, while the Fourth Congress favored peaceful acts of civil disobedience. A series of splits and rapprochements followed over the next few years as party members debated the use of force to accomplish political ends.
As the Maoists were plotting a revolution in the countryside, Baburam Bhattarai was leading a political party into decline. The United People's Front (UPF), which had been the third-largest Nepalese political party in 1991, suffered from a series of splits during the 1990s rivaled only by CPN. Bhattari wound up leading the minority faction of the UPF to inglorious defeat in the 1995 elections, failing to win a single seat.
Undaunted, he submitted a series of 40 demands to the prime minister, imperiously giving the prime minister two weeks to respond. The prime minister's office initially agreed to 39 of the demands, but rejected a demand to abolish the monarchy to create a republic. Bhattarai didn't wait out the rest of the two weeks, and instead joined Prachanda's already-underground Maoist party. Not long after, Prachanda and Bhattarai jointly declared the "People's War" on Feb. 16, 1996.
The Maoists' promises to rectify poverty and injustice initially found a sympathetic ear among the uneducated rural population. It had no alternative—the government in Kathmandu had virtually no presence in the countryside beyond tax-collection.
Today, the Maoists say they follow the communist doctrines propounded by late Chinese Communist Party leader Mao Zedong. Asked to explain the political philosophy of the Maoist rebels, Gautam dutifully repeats: 'Maoism is the third phase of the Marxism and it has extensively described communism.'
今天,毛泽东主义者称他们追随已故中国共产党领袖毛泽东提出的共产主义原理,当向毛泽东主义叛军问及他们的政治哲学时, Gautam 忠贞地重申:“毛泽东主义是马克思主义的第三阶段,它全面地描述了共产主义。”
Sadly for the Maoists, the current Chinese leadership has stood fast alongside the monarchy, saying "the Nepalese Maoists are misusing Maoism.'
Deuba's government, seeking desperately needed military and financial aid from the West, had cast the civil war in the rhetoric of the war against terrorism, a rhetoric other Nepalese politicians adopted with alacrity. But Padma Ratna Tuladhar, a noted human-rights activist and mediator of last year's government-Maoist peace talks, scoffs at such characterizations. 'They are not terrorists. They have been fighting for a cause. But the government has virtually failed to address their problems in a right way.' Gautam agrees: 'Given Nepal's history, if the Maoists hadn't emerged, somebody else would have.' [...]" (World Press Review 8 February 2003)
令毛泽东主义者悲哀的是,当今的中国领导人坚定地站在了君主制的一边,并称“尼泊尔毛泽东主义者盗用了毛泽东的名义”。绝望地向西方寻求所需的军事和金融支持的Deuba政府发起了内战,并花言巧语地称之为反恐战争。其它的尼泊尔政客也“机敏地”采用了这个叫法。而闻名的人权活动家,去年政府—毛泽东主义者和平谈判的调停者 Padma Ratna Tuladhar对这种叫法嗤之以鼻:“他们不是恐怖分子,他们在为正义而战,实际上政府不能以正确地方式回答他们提出的任何一个问题。” Gautam同意道:“纵观尼泊尔历史,假如不出现毛泽东主义者,将会出现另外的[...]”(《世界出版评论》2003年2月8日)