
















9月份尼泊尔首相德乌帕( Deuba)带着66名随同人员访问新德里的时候,尼泊尔人民战争是最主要的议程。印度政府同意提供给尼泊尔皇家政府三架轻型高级直升机、20000支INSAS步枪、15,000支7.62毫米自动步枪、5,000支各种口径的机关枪、800辆卡车和吉普车、100辆防雷车(Mine Protected Vehicles (MPVs))、防弹衣、头盔、地雷、铁丝网和其它战争物资。印度还将提供军事练习人员;派遣印度军队直接干涉尼泊尔的计划正在印度报纸上公开地讨论着。

根据官方联合声明,尼泊尔和印度首相还讨论了两国引渡条约的必要性,并同意在10份把这份协议签订下来。印度目前扣留着尼共(毛)的领导人Mohan Baydhya、C. P. Gajurel和其它领导人及成员。在现在,印度把他们引渡给尼泊尔还是非法的,但印度当局已经绑架过其它尼泊尔毛泽东主义者并把他们移交给皇家政府。

总部设在加德满都的日报《喜马拉雅新闻》9月10日报导说:“美国驻尼泊尔大使莫健(James F. Moriarty)今天说他们国家正与印度紧密合作以确保毛泽东主义者得不到外界的帮助、并且永远不能够接管首都。”莫健(Moriarty)还说:“印度在解决毛泽东主义者的问题上发挥着重要作用。考虑到它给尼泊尔提供的军事帮助和外交帮助,我认为他们不会容许毛泽东主义者接管加德满都。”




Nepal Maoists Open Strategic Offensive in People's War


Revolutionary Worker #1254, October 10, 2004, posted at http://rwor.org

On August 31, 2004, the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) announced the opening of a strategic offensive in the People's War.


This exciting news came right after Nepal's Prime Minister Deuba returned from a five-day trip to India where much of the discussion centered on stepping up Indian intervention in Nepal with the backing of the United States.


A press statement from the CPN (Maoist) said that the decision to launch the strategic offensive was made at a recent 10-day meeting of the party's Central Committee, led by Chairman Prachanda. The meeting was held "in a base area in the countryside, in a convention hall specially decorated with banners and canopies" protected by "a special security cordon of the People's Liberation Army" with "the full assistance of the broad masses of people."


The People's War in Nepal began in 1996 and from the very beginning, the CPN (Maoist) conceived of their revolution as a "protracted war" that goes through stages--from the strategic defensive, to strategic equilibrium, to the strategic offensive.


Mao's theory of "protracted people's war" recognized that in semi-colonial, semi-feudal countries like Nepal, the revolutionary forces start out weak and small compared to the government forces and that to engage in all- out military battles would only lead to getting crushed. But by avoiding decisive tests of strength and by waging guerrilla warfare, the revolutionary forces can defeat and weaken the government forces in smaller battles and through a protracted process, gain popular support, increase in strength and numbers, and extend their control. Building rural base areas and establishing military control and political authority in ever larger parts of the countryside allows the revolutionaries to surround the cities from the countryside and eventually seize country-wide political power.


After the initiation of armed struggle in Nepal, there was a relatively long period of the "strategic defensive"--where the revolutionary forces were weaker than the enemy and had to accumulate strength over a protracted period of time on the basis of guerrilla warfare. The military struggle then reached the stage of "strategic equilibrium"--where the two sides were relatively equal, neither was able to decisively destroy the other and the fighting was increasingly characterized by larger-scale mobile and positional warfare. At this point, the CPN (Maoist) analyzed that the entire society recognized the existence of two different states in the country, each with its own army and institutions.尼泊尔武装斗争发动后,存在着一个相当长时期的“战略防御”阶段——这时革命军队弱于敌人,必须长期地持久地在游击战争的基础上积聚力量。接着军事斗争进入“战略相持”阶段——这时双方力量相对均衡,哪一方都不能把另一方彻底消灭,战斗上升为以大规模的运动战和阵地战为特征的战争。在这个时候,尼共(毛泽东主义)分析认为:整个社会都熟悉到在这个国家存在着两个不同的政权,每个政权都拥有自己的军队和组织。

The decision to enter the stage of a strategic offensive means that the Maoists in Nepal have now determined that they are able to make their immediate aim the decisive destruction of the enemy's armed forces, the seizure of power, and the establishment of the rule of the people throughout the country.


The Maoist forces in Nepal now control 80 percent of the countryside, where they have established base areas and new people's power. Revolutionary forms of government control much of the countryside--where new revolutionary institutions run daily life--from the distribution and farming of land, education, taxes, the building of roads and latrines and the running of people's courts. The fact that the government has lost control in the countryside is a widely recognized fact. And the strength of the Maoists has increasingly been felt in the cities as well.


For a week, beginning on August 7, Kathmandu was isolated by a military blockade called by the CPN (Maoist) and the United Revolutionary People's Council, the united front organization under the party's leadership that is the embryo of the future people's government. Strikes by the Maoist-led trade union also closed down the country's biggest and most hated companies. The strength of the Maoists was demonstrated by their ability to stop most vehicular traffic in and out of the nation's capital, which has a population of 1.5 million.


In the past, the PLA has enforced blockades on district capitals, especially in the western region, which has been a Maoist stronghold. But this was the first time such a blockade was imposed on the capital. The BBC reported, "They got a massive response and huge publicity without a single bomb or landmine on a highway." The World to Win News Service reported: "Traffic into and out of the capital was from several thousand vehicles a day to about 150 in the first days, and all of those were either military or under tight Royal Army escort. Certainly the Maoists could not issue an order so completely obeyed even by the biggest transport companies if they hadn't built up much military strength and badly weakened the armed forces and authority of the enemy. But the will they imposed on the government and companies was clearly that of an enormous and growing part of the people. That is the ‘secret' reason why the blockade succeeded even though there were no major military clashes."


This blockade and broad support for strikes called by the All Nepal Trade Union Federation (Revolutionary) were part of the process of weakening the reactionary regime and preparing people in the cities to rise up when the party judges the time ripe for urban insurrection in connection with successfully surrounding the cities from the countryside. During the blockade, other embargoes were carried out in nearby Eastern districts within the Kathmandu valley. And a contingent of the 5th Brigade of the People's Liberation Army took action against the Royal Army in the Sindhupalchok district, which is also not far from Kathmandu.


When the People's War started in 1996, they did not have a People's Army. They started out with small fighting groups of five or six people, armed with very primitive weapons--some single shot rifles and Khukuri knives. Over the first five years, the guerrillas built up their fighting capacity by carrying out guerrilla actions against police posts and hated local reactionaries. They were able to capture weapons from government forces and step by step build up larger fighting units--from squads to platoons, and then later brigades and companies. Successful military actions created freedom for the guerrillas to expand their influence and authority--and as police and reactionaries were run out of villages, a power vacuum was created, making it possible for the establishment of a new "people's power" and eventually base areas under the control of new revolutionary government institutions.


In 2001 the CPN (Maoist) announced the establishment of the People's Liberation Army, which reflected a leap from mainly guerrilla forces to a regular revolutionary army. Now, with the announcement of the strategic offensive, the party has announced that the People's Army will grow to three divisions. This means that in addition to the previously existing Eastern and Western divisions organised by the PLA under the party's leadership, there will be a PLA division in the country's central region--which is where the regime's capital is located and its economic, political and military power is focused.


In addition to the PLA's current three divisions, nine brigades and 29 battalions the party announced that it will raise a people's militia of 100,000 members organized into companies under the leadership of the PLA at the district and regional level. The party also announced a new plan "to provide defensive and offensive training to the broad masses of people to fight tunnel warfare against foreign intervention." In the wars against the U.S. in Korea and Vietnam, the use of tunnels to protect soldiers and civilians and

spring surprise attacks was an important way of neutralizing enemy air power.


Documents from the Central Committee meeting warned of direct intervention by India, backed by the United States and the press statement pointed to the arrest of several leading comrades of the CPN (Maoist) in different cities in India as one sign of this.


When Nepal's Prime Minister Deuba went to New Delhi in September, along with a 66-member entourage, the People's War in Nepal was the main item on the agenda. The Indian government agreed to give the Nepali royal regime three light advanced helicopters, 20,000 INSAS rifles, 15,000 7.62 mm Self-Loading Rifles (SLR), 5,000 machine guns of various calibers, 800 trucks and jeeps, 100 Mine Protected Vehicles (MPVs), bullet-proof jackets, helmets, land mines, barbed wire and other war material. India will also provide military trainers and the idea of sending Indian troops to intervene directly in Nepal is being openly debated in the Indian press.

9月份尼泊尔首相德乌帕( Deuba)带着66名随同人员访问新德里的时候,尼泊尔人民战争是最主要的议程。印度政府同意提供给尼泊尔皇家政府三架轻型高级直升机、20000支INSAS步枪、15,000支7.62毫米自动步枪、5,000支各种口径的机关枪、800辆卡车和吉普车、100辆防雷车(Mine Protected Vehicles (MPVs))、防弹衣、头盔、地雷、铁丝网和其它战争物资。印度还将提供军事练习人员;派遣印度军队直接干涉尼泊尔的计划正在印度报纸上公开地讨论着。

According to an official joint statement, the Nepali and Indian prime ministers also discussed the need for an extradition treaty between the two countries and agreed to finalize it in October. India is currently holding CPN(M) leaders Mohan Baydhya, C. P. Gajurel and other leaders and members. At this time it is illegal for India to extradite them to Nepal, but Indian authorities have already kidnapped other Nepali Maoists and handed them over to the royal regime.

根据官方联合声明,尼泊尔和印度首相还讨论了两国引渡条约的必要性,并同意在10份把这份协议签订下来。印度目前扣留着尼共(毛)的领导人Mohan Baydhya、C. P. Gajurel和其它领导人及成员。在现在,印度把他们引渡给尼泊尔还是非法的,但印度当局已经绑架过其它尼泊尔毛泽东主义者并把他们移交给皇家政府。

The Kathmandu-based daily Himalayan News Service reported on September 10: "The U.S. Ambassador to Nepal, James F. Moriarty, today said his country was working closely with India to ensure that Maoists do not get outside help and are never able to take over the capital." Moriarty also said, "India has a big role to play in resolving the Maoist problem. Considering the military assistance and diplomatic help it has provided to Nepal, I conclude that Maoists will not be allowed to take over Kathmandu."

总部设在加德满都的日报《喜马拉雅新闻》9月10日报导说:“美国驻尼泊尔大使莫健(James F. Moriarty)今天说他们国家正与印度紧密合作以确保毛泽东主义者得不到外界的帮助、并且永远不能够接管首都。”莫健(Moriarty)还说:“印度在解决毛泽东主义者的问题上发挥着重要作用。考虑到它给尼泊尔提供的军事帮助和外交帮助,我认为他们不会容许毛泽东主义者接管加德满都。”

One commentary in South Asia Intelligence Reports , referring to the blockade on Kathmandu, said: "That week exposed the vulnerability of the Deuba Government and its capacity to govern. India sent strong signals to assure Kathmandu that it would not allow the Nepalese state to collapse."


Meanwhile, the threat of increased intervention by the United States is very real. Washington is supplying Nepal with 20,000 M-16s, as well as night-vision and communication equipment, and special-forces counterinsurgency training. U.S. aid to the Nepalese royal regime has almost doubled, from $22 million to $40 million this year. American soldiers have been conducting joint training exercises in Nepal with the Royal Nepalese Army. Earlier this year, the Himalayan Times quoted an American official who said that a U.S. Congressional delegation was in Nepal as part of a mission to collect information about the country's civil war and the whole of South Asia. And the U.S. has put the CPN (Maoist) on their "terrorist list"--laying the basis for even more intervention and the criminalization of international support for the struggle in Nepal.


A strategic offensive by the Maoists in Nepal will mean a big jump in the level of military battles, the danger of direct foreign intervention and a situation that could lead to a decisive struggle over who will hold political power in Nepal.


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