maobadi翻译: 有关尼泊尔形势——印共(毛)总书记贾那帕蒂访谈(部分)
24th April, 2007
尼泊尔人民在反对王室的战斗中表现了巨大的勇气,但是这场斗争才在半路上。真正的斗争并不是针对贾南德拉和王室,他们只是封建主义 -帝国主义对尼泊尔广大人民进行压迫和剥削的象征而已。不推翻封建势力,帝国主义和印度大资产阶级和当地的买办,仅仅推翻贾南德拉,不会解决尼泊尔人民的任何问题。而这只能通过坚定地推进人民战争直至最后胜利。议会不会动这些实际上同志整个国家的反动势力的一根毫毛。
我们认为,尼共(毛)以21 世纪民主的名义下推行的多党民主的政策,存在削弱尼泊尔人民战争的力量的严重危险。他们一边说这是为了防止革命后资本主义复辟,实际上在做的却是在没有夺取政权的时候就参加选举!!这会损害革命。就这些问题,我们正同尼泊尔毛派进行辩论。我们告诉他们不要对议会民主制抱有幻想。整个世界的议会民主制的历史,以及差不多 60年的印度的议会制历史,都证实了其自身不过是一场闹剧。
最危险的地方在于通过放下武器、把战士们送到营房里去来解除人民解放军的武装。这样做,除了解除人民的武装,让压迫者来发慈悲之外,不会有任何好处。即便是帝国主义,还是印度、中国等大的邻国,都不答应尼泊尔社会经济制度有任何根本改变。假如他们的利益受到损害,不管是通过人民战争还是通过议会政治,他们都不会被动地充当观众。因此,毛派想通过参加议会进行多党竞争来结束封建主义 -帝国主义的剥削,这一点永远都不可能。他们不得不或者是被补选进入制度内,或者是放弃现有的与统治阶级进行权力分享的政策,继续进行武装革命以夺取政权。除此之外别无他路。他们不可能为资产阶级发明的游戏制定规则。
On the developments in Nepal:
Q: What do you think of Nepal?
A: Our Party's official stand has already been given in the form of statements, interviews and articles in the last issue of our theoretical magazine, People's War. There was also an Interview by our Party spokesperson last year. We are having a debate with various Maoist Parties on the developments in Nepal.
The people of Nepal had shown great mettle in fighting the monarchy but the fight is only half-way through. The real fight is not against Gyanendra and the monarchy which is but a symbol of the feudal-imperialist oppression and exploitation of the vast masses of Nepal. Without throwing out the feudal forces, the imperialists, the Indian big business and the local compradors, mere ouster of Gyanendra would not solve any of the problems of the Nepali masses. And this can be done only by firmly carrying on the people's war to final victory. No Parliament can touch the seat of these reactionary forces who de facto rule the country.
We believe there is a serious danger of diversion to the people's war in Nepal after the CPN(Maoist) had taken the stand of multi-party democracy in the name of 21st century democracy. While saying that such a step is necessary to prevent the restoration of capitalism after the revolution, what they are actually doing is to participate in elections even before the seizure of political power!! And this will harm the interests of revolution. We are having debates with the Maoists in Nepal on these questions. We are telling them not to have illusions in parliamentary democracy. The history of parliamentary democracy the world over as well as in India for almost six decades shows what a farce it is.
The most dangerous part of the deal is the disarming of the PLA by depositing the arms and placing the fighters in cantonments. This will do no good except disarming the masses and throwing them to the mercy of the oppressors. Neither the imperialists nor big neighbours like India and China would allow any fundamental change in the socio-economic system in Nepal. They cannot remain passive spectators if their interests are undermined by the Maoists whether through a people's war or through the parliament. Hence the Maoists can never achieve their aim of putting an end to feudal and imperialist exploitation by entering the parliament in the name of multi-party democracy. They will have to either get co-opted into the system or abandon the present policy of power-sharing with the ruing classes and continue the armed revolution to seize power. There is no Buddhist middle way. They cannot set the rules for a game the bourgeoisie had invented.