
美示威者扬言封锁西岸港口 加抗议者将加入 [list][]2011-12-13 07:24[]环球时报[/list] 字号:T|T

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据12月13日出版的《环球时报》报道 一度声势大减的美国“占领运动”扬言12日封锁美国西海岸十几个主要港口,加拿大的抗议者也宣布加入,12日“占领”温哥华港。路透社报道称,示威者认为,这些港口是美国“1%”精英阶层的重要财富链,是“海上的华尔街”,希望借此唤醒美国民众对经济不平等及不公正金融体系的关注。美联社称,运动12日清晨在西海岸各大城市同时展开,但困难重重。




来源:westcoastportshutdown.org 作者:译者:马英 2011-12-12 22:04



“奥克兰占领组织号召这次大规模封锁是对那些‘1%’的回应,他们不仅中伤占领运动,还一直攻击工人和穷人。” Boots Riley,奥克兰占领运动的组织者之一说。“我们在西海岸的行动是呼应洛杉矶和朗维尤市的港口工人的斗争,并旨在反对华尔街。



“西港口国际仓码工人联合会的工人在跟我聊天时说过,已经没有别的办法了,他们打算跨越社区警戒线”,西港口国际仓码工人联合会在当地的10个会员之一的Anthony Lavierge说道,“我一直在这个港口工作,跟我聊过的90%的卡车司机都很热情。


12月12日的港口封锁运动具有历史意义。在这个前所未有的行动中,我们将向1%反击,他们赚取大量的利润牺牲其余的99%。我们是全球性的运动的一部分,寻求改变我们的生活。在关闭港口的运动中,我们团结友爱,不仅与工会会员一起战斗,而且与89%的工人阶级一起战斗,他们失业、退休,没有工会代表他们。”一位占领奥克兰的组织者,Mike King说。“在下周一,港口工人和所有的工人都将和这些99%站在一起。




Oakland, California – Today, rank-and-file workers from the ILWU and Teamsters, local union leaders, veterans, and occupy organizers explained plans for the upcoming West Coast Port Shut Down on December 12 called for by the Occupy Oakland General Assembly.

Community pickets and mass mobilizations to blockade the ports are being organized by Occupy movements in San Diego, LA, Oakland, Portland, Tacoma, Seattle, Vancouver, and Houston. Occupy Anchorage, Occupy Denver, and Occupy Wall Street are targeting Goldman Sachs and Walmart on the 12th. Solidarity actions are being planned as far away as in Japan.

"Occupy Oakland called for this massive coordinated blockade as a way to strike back at the 1% after their attacks on the Occupy movement and their continued assault on working and poor people” said Boots Riley an organizer with Occupy Oakland. ”Our action is aimed directly at Wall Street on the Waterfront and is in solidarity with the struggles of port workers in LA and Longview, WA. ”

Longeshoreman in Longview are currently in a bitter fight with the multinational grain exporter EGT, and port truckers in LA are fighting to unionize against Goldman Sachs-owned SSA.??

While the community pickets of the port are being organized by the Occupy Oakland Port Shutdown Committee, rank-and-file unionists have been actively involved in every level of the organizing.

“The rank and file of the ILWU I’ve talked to say there is no way they are going to cross a community picket line.” said Anthony Lavierge, a member of ILWU Local 10. “When I’m working on the port, 90% of the truckers I talk to are enthusiastic.”

Organizers of the port blockade see the actions planned for next Monday as an important next step for Occupy. In recent weeks, Occupy activists across the country have expanded far beyond encampments and are now targeting large financial institutions, fighting foreclosures, reclaiming public space, and marching on valuable sources of profit for the 1%.

“The December 12th port shutdown will be historic. In an unprecedented action we will bring the fight back to the 1% where they make a great deal of profit at the expense of the rest of 99%. We are part of a global movement seeking to take our lives back. In shutting down the ports we act in solidarity, not only with trade unionists under attack, but with the 89% of the working class with no trade union to represent them - the unemployed, the underemployed, the retiree.” said Mike King, an organizer with Occupy Oakland. “This coming Monday, port workers and all workers will stand with the 99%”.

Scott Olsen, the Iraq War veteran critically injured by police during a November 25 attack on Occupy Oakland, issued a statement declaring “I plan on standing tall again on December 12, and I look forward to standing with our longshoremen.” He went on to say, “United we are stronger. As you say in your union, an injury to one is an injury to all. The only ones who will tell you otherwise are those that want to continue profiting off your backs.”

In Oakland, marches to the port will begin at 5.30am at West Oakland BART. At 3pm, there will be a rally 14th and Broadway, followed by a 4pm sharp march to the port. A 5pm march to the port will leave from West Oakland BART.


