

South Asia is becoming a storm centre of revolution, what are the objective and subjective bases for this?


GP: As analysed by the Parties of CCOMPOSA, South Asia is indeed becoming a storm centre of world revolution. There are certain objective and subjective bases for this.


Firstly, all the countries of South Asia are semi-colonial and semi-feudal countries once ruled by the British imperialists. Hence they have many similarities and inter-relations in historical, economical, political, social, religious, cultural and geographical conditions.(所有的南亚国家都是半殖民地,曾英帝国主义统治的半殖民地半封建国家 。 因此,他们有许多相似之处


Secondly, we must keep in mind first the geo-strategic location of South Asia and the immense interest of the imperialists in the region. The US imperialists, in particular, want to use South Asia as a counter-weight to China which is fast becoming a major economic-military-political power.(必须牢记南亚的地缘战略位置和帝国主义在该地区的巨大利益 。 美帝国主义特别是要使用南亚防范正迅速成为一个重大的经济,军事和政治权 的中国


Third, it is the most populated region in the world accounting for a fifth of the world's population which is larger than China. It has a vast market and has been an important region of rivalry between the various imperialist powers who vie for greater share of the South Asian markets.(世界人口最稠密的的地区,拥有五分之一的世界人口,人口超过中国。 有广阔的市场,各种帝国主义列强争夺竞争的重要地区。


Fourth, Indian expansionism is a powerful enemy of the people and nationalities and a big threat to the development of the New Democratic Revolutions (NDRs) and national liberation struggles of this region; the revolutionary situation objectively and subjectively in Nepal is more matured than anywhere in present day world and the NDR is advancing with tremendous success under the leadership of CPN(Maoist); The NDR in India is in a more advantageous position than ever before and it is advancing under the leadership of CPI(Maoist) and its great significance in the world socialist revolution; existence of Maoist Parties in Bangladesh and newly formed Maoist Party in Bhutan; the Maoist Parties of India, Nepal and Bangladesh are having proletarian revolutionary consistency, spirit, vigor and traditions in high holding the red banner of MLM since the days of great debate under the leadership of Comrade Mao and Naxalbari; since the great Naxalbari uprising to contemporary PPW in Nepal and India, the revolutionary movements are creating great impact in every country of South Asia.(毛主义者力量强大)


Since mid-90s there have been good relations between all these Maoist parties with a strategic approach, specific policies and tactics to deal with the contradictions in South Asian Region to advance the revolutions and democratic struggles of oppressed nationalities in every country and entire region. The support for revolutionary forces and democratic people in world is increasing day by day. So, anybody can say there is an objective and subjective condition in South Asia to become a storm centre of world revolution.