听到尼泊尔历史上最受人爱戴的革命领导人Mohan Baidhya(Kiran同志)和照顾他治病的Narayan Bikram Pradhan被捕的消息,人们自然都感到十分震动。因此,所有热爱尼泊尔和为被压迫人民而战的人们不能不为之惊奇和愤怒。我们谴责印度政府的这种犯罪行为。
受人爱戴的领导人的安全碰到了危险,这是基本事实,而不仅仅是我们的想象。更早的时候,印度在无人知晓的条件下移交了Matrika Yadav和Suresh Alemagar同志,在前些年,这些领导人受到严重的折磨,面临着残酷的虐待,因此,向尼泊尔希特勒政府引渡Baidhya和 Gajurel 同志,后果是极其严重的。
救助连兄弟都要残杀的封建暴君,印度政府岂不成了尼泊尔人民的敌人。因此我们要求恭敬地释放被逮捕的领导人。印度应当明白,处决Bhagat Singh 和其它革命者并不能阻止印度走向自由,尼泊尔也不能例外。谢谢。
援尼论坛中心委员会主席:Janak Pathak
It is natural to be shocked to hear the news of the arrest of the most popular revolutionary leader in the history of Nepal Com. Mohan Baidhya (Kiran) and Narayan Bikram Pradhan who was helping in his treatment. So, who loves Nepal and is in favour of the oppressed could not remain without stunned and anger. We condemn the criminal act of the Indian government.
听到尼泊尔历史上最受人爱戴的革命领导人Mohan Baidhya(Kiran同志)和照顾他治病的Narayan Bikram Pradhan被捕的消息,人们自然都感到十分震动。因此,所有热爱尼泊尔和为被压迫人民而战的人们不能不为之惊奇和愤怒。我们谴责印度政府的这种犯罪行为。
INSOF appeals to the people & democratic institutions of India and the whole world to defend the life of the arrested leader Comrade Baidhya (Com. Kiran). It is the duty and the great humanitarian work to fight the fascist act. And for the security of the life of the Baidhya who fought all his past 40 years for the total democracy of the people and against the evil ones.
These are not only mere imagination but also the ground reality of danger for the security of the popular leaders. The earlier handed over leaders Com. Matrika Yadav and Suresh Alemagar are in unknown conditions and in previous years’ leaders were subjected to serious torture and faced serious abuses. That’s why it is very serious consequences to extradite Com. Baidhya as well as Com Gajurel to the Nepali Hitler.
受人爱戴的领导人的安全碰到了危险,这是基本事实,而不仅仅是我们的想象。更早的时候,印度在无人知晓的条件下移交了Matrika Yadav和Suresh Alemagar同志,在前些年,这些领导人受到严重的折磨,面临着残酷的虐待,因此,向尼泊尔希特勒政府引渡Baidhya和 Gajurel 同志,后果是极其严重的。
The movement led by CPN (M) for the total democracy is internal conflict of Nepal. The foreign intervention in no way is legitimate but the war crime against the Nepalese people.
A so-called democratic country arrests, oppresses and deports the freedom and democratic fighters of Nepal. All this is taking places under the instruction of the US imperialism and with the purpose of monopoly control of the natural resources of Nepal through the immoral bargaining of the revolutionary fighters. It is shameful for any humane and democratic party, institution and the individual.
On the other hand, these arrest in India shows the negligence of the security of the movement’s leadership. We appeal not be the relaxation in the security which can lead towards the condition of the movements in Peru, Kurdish or others. Masses are the creator of the history and revolutionaries could not survive without the masses and the circles of the revolutionary masses.
By saving the fratricidal feudal gangster monarch, will not the Indian government become the enemy of the Nepalese people ? That’s why we demand for the respectful release of arrested leaders. India should know execution of Bhagat Singh and other revolutionaries could not stop the freedom of India, which Nepal cannot be an exception. Thanks.
救助连兄弟都要残杀的封建暴君,印度政府岂不成了尼泊尔人民的敌人。因此我们要求恭敬地释放被逮捕的领导人。印度应当明白,处决Bhagat Singh 和其它革命者并不能阻止印度走向自由,尼泊尔也不能例外。谢谢。
援尼论坛中心委员会主席:Janak Pathak
Date: 02 April 2004.
Janak Pathak
Central Committee