
法兰克福要求释放Com. Gaurav的抗议运动

法兰克福:同一天(2003年10月18日)在法兰克福印度领事馆门前爆发了另一场抗议运动。几名抗议者要求释放Com.Gajurel。标语和宣传牌极富影响力。 世界人民抗议运动(WPRM)驻法兰克福代表和一位来自秘鲁的发言者也要求释放Com.Gajurel,假如印度政府不释放Com.Gajurel,他们必将在世界范围内面临更多的抗议。

抗议活动后,国际尼泊尔团结论坛总书记Com. Humnath Dhakal向大家介绍了Com.Gajurel的情况和尼泊尔斗争的实际情况。他代表世界人民抗议运动(WPRM)和国际尼泊尔团结论坛通过领事向印度总理瓦杰帕一(Atal Bihari Bajpaye)递交了一封信。

Frankfurt: Another Protest action was took place in front of the Indian consulate in Frankfurt on the same day. Several protesters were demanded the release of Com.Gajurel. The banner and the playkards were more influencial. WPRM Frankfurt’s representative and a speaker from Peru also demanded his release. If the Indian government does not release they have to face more protest worldwide.

At the programme General Secretary of the Internationalist Nepalese Solidarity Forum (INSOF) Com. Humnath Dhakal provided the introduction of Com.Gajurel and the actual situation of Nepalese struggle. He on behalf of WPRM and INSOF handed over the letter to the Prime minister Atal Bihari Bajpayee through Consulat.
