
Nepal ends Maoist war and signs peace agreement

Prime Minister Girja Prasad Koirala Koirala and CPN Maoist Chairman Prachanda shake hands and exchange the papers after they put their signatures in the Comprehensive Pace Accord. Pics by Chandra Shekhar Karki via Kantipur

Nepal ends Maoist war and signs peace agreement

Koirala and Prachanda put their signatures at the copies of Comprehensive Peace Accord. Pics by Bikash Karki via Kantipur

Nepal ends Maoist war and signs peace agreement

US ambassador James F Moriarty and Indian envoy Shiv Shankar Mukharjee in the signing in ceremony

Nepal celebrates end of maoist peoples' war

How It Feels to See the End of a Bloody War

by Dinesh Wagle, Wagle's Web Log, United We Blog, November 22, 2006